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Thursday, October 27, 2011

37 Days until Race!!!

Our Team!!!

Great News!! Last Saturday both Darrel and I didn't hurt as we did our 8 mile training. Now we are looking forward to this Saturday's 10 miles in cool weather. We really need some cool weather training and some rain training in case those are the conditions on Race Day, Dec. 4. Darrel has been taking it easy due to a strained MCL. (located in his knee). The doctor told him to lay off the running and walk only. So we are learing to walk really fast, well as fast as we can at this point. Due to our speed, we are going to do the 1/2 marathon. That's 13.1 miles. Our coach assures us this is nothing to sneeze at. How many people do we know that have done 13.1 (besides our team mates). Yeah, yeah okay. Disappointed but not wanting to do any serious injury we have chosen to comply.

Last week we signed our recommitment papers and locked ourselves into this race in Dallas. They are making our reservations for our hotel for the night before and the night before dinner. We understand these are very important for race day to stay focused and have the right meal that evening. $3000 for the both of us is what is required in this commitment. So many of you have not only given but given generously and we want to thank you very much. We are now so close, just about $300 to go. We have been doing restaurant fundraisers and are currently selling tickets for Tacos y Salsas $30 gift certificate. $2 for one ticket and $5 for 3 tickets. Drawing will be held Nov. 5. If you want a ticket either get ahold of us or donate online and we will enter your name on the drawing tickets.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Darrel's injury could have been worse and lasted longer but God has heard and answered your prayers. THANK YOU!!

Blessings, Darrel & Ginger Brooks

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Ginger and Darrel both went to Urgent Care this week with running related injuries. Darrel has a sprained Right MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) and has a "No Run" order for 3-4 weeks, he was able to get a walk waiver but has to "take it easy" (whatever that means).

Ginger has a sprained foot. She was given a compression sock and told to elevate, ice and REST. She was also told to take it easy. I have seen her ice and elevating but resting is not her style...

We are both hoping for a miracle as our recommitment date is fast approaching and we are only at 76% in our fundraising. Please consider a donation to this worthy cause. If you have already donated we thank-you from the bottom of our hearts. If you are considering donating, don't wait any longer lives are being saved everyday.
I spoke to a man a few days ago that said he is now in his 3rd year of remission and with the new medication he just started they are hoping he will soon be CURED!!!

Your donations make this possible. We do except multiple donations so feel free to make as many as you can. There us no minimum amount and every dollar counts. Remember when you give to LLS 75% of every dollar goes toward saving someone's; son, daughter, mother or father.

Please consider donating today it's simple and secure on-line at

Thank-you so much!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Friday (10/7/11)

We hope this posting finds you and your loved ones doing well. Unfortunately, most of us are close to someone who is battling or has battled cancer of some kind. Today is our Honored Hero, Vivian's birthday. She turned a wonderful 78 years young today. We celebrate life with her today. Vivian has been Ginger's step mom for 36 years now. She is an amazing woman, wife, mother, grandmother, fighter and friend who has been fighting non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for going on 9 years now.
It was 9 years ago Vivian went into surgery for Diverticulitis surgery that she had been suffering from for some time. When she awoke from surgery she was told the doctor discovered the lymph nodes in her small intestine had stage 3 & 4 cancer. It was tested to be non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She immediately went for more testing: cat scans, Pet scans, etc. Within a month she started chemo and became extremely ill. Her hair fell out but that didn't bother her, she prefers to wear it very short now. Along with the chemo she was given Rituxan. A drug that only works if your cancer has a certain protein. Her's did and she feels it really helped along with the many prayers. She is enjoying going on 8 years of remission now. She walks daily and goes to the gym to work out. She loves the reclining bike best and does 3 miles, along with weights and other machines. She inspires us and encourages us to stay fit and healthy. We love you Mom. You are our HERO!

Many thanks for those who have helped us reach 69% of our goal. We have $945.00 left to raise and only a few weeks to do it. Please consider giving in honor of your heros, those who are battling or have battled cancer.

Here is something that is happening with LLS right now. There is a lot going on in blood cancers. Beyond the JAK2 kinase mutations that have been found in MPNs and are being studied as targets in my lab and others around the world, recent breakthroughs include the discovery of mutations in the Raf kinase enzyme in 100% of patients with hairy cell leukemia. This finding will surely lead to clinical trials, since Raf inhibitors are already in development for other cancers with such mutations. Another exciting development is antibodies directed against the so-called CD30 antigen, which is expressed on the surface of some lymphoma cells. Response rates in patients who failed all previous therapies were in the 80-90% range, which is quite incredible. This antibody will make a clinical difference, no doubt.

Thank you so much for giving and praying,
Darrel & Ginger Brooks

Consider a Donation Today.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Running in Memory/Honor of..."

The more we get involved with Team in Training the more we find out how Blood Cancers have impacted our Family and Friends. When we first signed up we only knew of 1 case of Blood Cancer and a couple of other cases of Cancer that had touched our immediate family. The more people that find out what we are doing tell us more about how this awful disease has impacted their lives.

With each new case we discover it keeps us motivated to raise money to combat this horrific destroyer. The good news is we also hear about the incredible achievements researchers are making in finding cures and treatments that are putting Cancer in remission and even coming closer to a cure.

Here is our current List of Special People we are Walk/Running for:

In Honor of: 
Vivian Britt (Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma)
June (Chronic Lymphcytic Leukemia)

In Memory of:
Tom Morgan (Brain, Bone & Lung Cancer)
Valerie Zucco (Lost battle with Leukemia and was promoted to her eternal reward at age 13)
Nancy (healed of Malignant Lymphoma but died of Breast Cancer)
Wanda Brooks (Lymphoma)
Patrecia Brooks (Colon Cancer)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

8 Miles!!!

Well Saturday our mileage was bumped up from 6 to 8 miles! This was our highest mileage yet.

One of our teammates (Eric), shared about a co-worker who is now in remission due to the new treatments made possible by donations from people just like you! It's amazing how even a small gift makes such a big impact to fight Cancer or as Eric referred to it as "the big C".

As we started our mileage, Darrel started out strong and tried to set a quick pace but Ginger's knees were protesting. She could hardly walk at a 20:31 minute mile pace and was in a lot of pain really favoring her knees and shins.

The weather was very mild and sunny. We were very glad for that. Ginger was quite the trooper and pushed through the pain. Darrel began to slow and was running out of steam at about mile 4.5.

At mile 5.5 Ginger got a second wind and took the lead. Then to Darrel's surprise Ginger wanted to start running intervals. The pace just before the energy burst was only a 23:58 min. mile pace and an average speed of 2.5 mph.

Ginger said her legs still hurt bit she didn't care (endorphins I suspect). The last 3 miles made a huge difference. Our best mile was mile 6 at a 15:28 min mile pace and at 3.88 mph.Our average pace ended up 18:27 and our average speed was 3.25. It felt good to finish strong. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul's letter to Timothy. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (1 Tim. 4:7). We want to finish The Race strong both in life and at White Rock!!!

Here are our results for Saturday's workout: