Well Saturday our mileage was bumped up from 6 to 8 miles! This was our highest mileage yet.
One of our teammates (Eric), shared about a co-worker who is now in remission due to the new treatments made possible by donations from people just like you! It's amazing how even a small gift makes such a big impact to fight Cancer or as Eric referred to it as "the big C".
As we started our mileage, Darrel started out strong and tried to set a quick pace but Ginger's knees were protesting. She could hardly walk at a 20:31 minute mile pace and was in a lot of pain really favoring her knees and shins.
The weather was very mild and sunny. We were very glad for that. Ginger was quite the trooper and pushed through the pain. Darrel began to slow and was running out of steam at about mile 4.5.
At mile 5.5 Ginger got a second wind and took the lead. Then to Darrel's surprise Ginger wanted to start running intervals. The pace just before the energy burst was only a 23:58 min. mile pace and an average speed of 2.5 mph.
Ginger said her legs still hurt bit she didn't care (endorphins I suspect). The last 3 miles made a huge difference. Our best mile was mile 6 at a 15:28 min mile pace and at 3.88 mph.Our average pace ended up 18:27 and our average speed was 3.25. It felt good to finish strong. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul's letter to Timothy. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (1 Tim. 4:7). We want to finish The Race strong both in life and at White Rock!!!
Here are our results for Saturday's workout:
"6 weeks ago I was a couch potato!!!" (Darrel)