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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Something New 2012

Well we are ready for 2011 to be finished! We will be spending the last day at a race. The I am Superman 5k ( benefiting the Rockwall ISD Fine Arts program.

A fitting way to end 2011. The year we started endurance training, our first 5k, first half marathon, and first event with Team in Training. We gave met new friends, set and achieved new goals. We have done more than we had hoped for.

With the New Year comes new commitments, new goals and hopefully new achievements! It will take a new set of 12 months to hold all the adventures God has in store for us and you in this next year. Matthew 9:17 talks about putting new wine in a new wineskin and not in an old. The old wineskin has already achieved it's expansion and has no more room for growth. May we become a new wineskin in this new year ready for the expansion God will give us. That is my new year's resolution!!!

12/31/11 Update...
Ginger and I participated in the I Am Superman 5k in Rockwall Texas. It was a small event and very well organized. There was only one problem...

In the excitement of the start we took off like runners and ran too far. Our legs cramped up and could not walk our usual pace. I ended up finishing a minute longer than my first 5k when I was out of shape and just starting to work-out.

Lesson Learned:

Picture at the Starting Line...
Race my Pace... We are walkers IF we would have walked our pace I would have PR'd (Personal Record).

Friday, December 9, 2011

White Rock

Here it is...
We've been busy and haven't had internet at home so I was late in posting this. We finished the White Rock 1/2 Marathon! We also raised over $3,000 for the LLS and our TNT Chapter raised over $200,000.00 just from this race. As an added bonus our entry fees went to the Dallas Scottish Rite Children's Hospital. The race raised over $1,000,000 for the hospital (double last year's amount).

There were over 25,000 runners from all over the world, this was an Olympic qualifier as well as a qualifier for the Boston Marathon. It took over 34 minutes from the starting gun until we crossed the Starting Line! Our time was 3 hrs. 22 minutes and 13 seconds (3:22:13= an average of almost 4 mph). That is a fast walk and a Personal Record (PR)... actually any time would have been our record since this was our first Half Marathon.

The race was amazing, all the training paid off and we were able to not only finish but finish with a smile on our face! Thanks to Coaches David, Meg and Jessica, they were great at preparing us and keeping us from injury.

The conditions were brutal, nearly Freezing Rain the entire race, some runners reported ice crystals forming on their clothing. We weren't cold as long as we were racing but we did get extremely cold once we headed back to the hotel.

One amazing bit of marathon trivia... they have tens of thousands of bananas at the finish area and every single one of them was perfectly ripe!!!

We are continuing our training and plan to participate in the Ft. Worth, Cowtown Full Marathon on 2/25/11. That's 26.2 miles!!!  

WOW...We are endurance athletes (we even now qualify to put the 13.1 sticker on our car).

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Praise God!

I received this post from Hikari's dad (Daniel Powers)... 

"Guess what?!? ALL TESTS ARE NEGATIVE!!! She will still be going through some precautionary chemotherapy, but God continues to show himself faithful. Thank you everyone for your prayers!"

I am Speechless... all I can say is, Praise God! 

She is going through precautionary's a picture of her and a friend at the hospital with a few visitors. I think her dad said she beat them at Air Hockey, I guess they're used to playing the game on ice instead of AIR.

(Hikari is in pink)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Less than 6 days til White Rock!

I can't believe it it's only 5 days and 20 hrs. until we start our first half marathon. It's amazing to think that just a few months ago we were couch potatoes and now we will have become endurance athletes! This is quite the transformation.

This week our coaches gave us a new theme "NOTHING NEW", this will be our theme for the rest of this week. This is to keep us from injury, illness, or interruption of our plans. We are hoping this week goes quickly.

We do have a new addition for our cross training but I promised Coach David I wouldn't use it until after White Rock. But that's another story...

Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

We participated in our first Thanksgiving 5k. It was a massive event 40,000 people. It took us almost 45 minutes to get to the starting line after the horn sounded and people began running. It was a little disappointing to hear the first runners were crossing the finish line when were so far from the starting line we couldn't even see it.

All in all it was a fun experience and we were joined by; Nate, Jovi and Grandson Colin. I think next year we'll try a smaller local event.

Latter in the day we enjoyed our traditional Thanksgiving feast (which Ginger cooked all day long). She did a great job on everything!!!

We have so much to thank God for. He has blessed us with health, provision, and a wonderful family (especially the Grandbabies!!!)

Monday, November 21, 2011

THANK-YOU to all our supporters!!!

We made it! We have reached the $3,000 goal!!! It seemed impossible in the beginning but you made it possible. Just as Pastor Randolph always says "You do the possible and God will do the impossible!"

Together we are making a difference in untold numbers of Cancer patients. This money will be used for research, treatment, assisting family members and finding a cure. With your help we are that much closer to finding that cure.

Now that the fundraising is over, now comes the FUN...13.1 miles December 4th.

We will be having a "warm-up" 3.1 mile race on Thanksgiving Morning, joined by Nate, Jovi and our Grandson Colin. It will be a fun new Tradition that is very Nontraditional for us!!!

God has been so good to us and we have met so many new friends in this new adventure. We look forward to our next events on the planning calendar:

Dallas Turkey Trot (5k-3.1 miles) 11/24/11
White Rock 1/2 Marathon (13.1 miles) 12/4/11
I am Superman (5k) 12/31/11
Cowtown Marathon (26.2 miles) 2/25/12
Dallas Rock-n-Roll 1/2 Marathon (13.1) 3/25/12

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Time to Taper

WOW, our coach told us to let all our friends and fam know what we yesterday morning before most of you woke up and ate your breakfast. We did 12.7 MILES in training for the 1/2 marathon that happens in just 2 weeks. We have 68 hours to collect the remaining $81.59 so we can get our packet for the race which includes our bid, timer, race shirt, etc. What ever you can do to help would be FANTASTIC.

Go to: to donate securely or mail to us asap. 

Yesterday we logged 12.7 miles!!! This was out highest mileage yet, we will taper next Saturday then the race a week later. This training season has flown by!!!

It's unbelievable; in less than 2 weeks we will be racing for our Honored Heroes, and in Memory of those who's earthly lives were cut short due to cancer. We will also be focused on finishing the 13.1 miles as fast as we possibly can. If we can the distance with in the prescribed time limit we will earn a Finisher's Medal.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Another Injury

Ginger is suffering with shin splints. She was able to finish Thursday's 4 miles but had to take today off to rest and recover.

Darrel was able to put in his 10 miles with an average pace of 16:32 and an average speed of 3.6 mph.

Ginger should be recovered for next weeks high mileage workout. The White Rock half Marathon is only weeks away!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Less than a Month til White Rock!!!

Hi Everyone,
We are getting so excited about the race. It's less than a month to go. Only 3 Saturday trainings to go and 7 weekday trainings. Last week we increased our speed. Since Darrel's injury the doctor only wants him walking, so we are learning how to walk really fast. Well, Darrel is doing much better than I am so I have to add running. New level, new pain, new sence of accomplishment. It's all worth it to help those fighting cancer.

Our mileage yesterday was 10.25 miles under 3 hours! This was our personal BEST for a workout over a 10k distance. Our average pace was 17.23 min/mile. This included 2 bathroom stops. We will continue to shave off some time but our main goal in this first half marathon is just to be able to stay below the 18:00 pace; so we won't be kicked off the course and we will be able to FINISH the 13.1 mile White Rock course which includes several hill climbs. Yes, Darrel said FIRST. We have decided to make this our new lifestyle and participate in more races. Ginger's blood pressure has come down to 115/73 this last week. Very exciting!!!

We might come in last but we will finish and get our finisher's medal. We have almost finished raising $3000.00 for the Leukemia, Lymphoma Society. Ginger made her required goal and Darrel has about $100 to go. If you have not already given but planned to, IT'S TIME. Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely plus learn more about our progress. You will receive a confirmation of your donation by email and we will be notified as soon as you make your donation.

We have a whole new perspective on all the Biblical references to running or racing.

Brothers and sisters, I know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ to the life above. Philippians 3:13-14

Thank you for your continued prayers and your gracious giving.
Love and Blessings, Darrel & Ginger Brooks

P.S. I would appreciate it if you would forward this Blog to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well. Thanks again.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

10 miles!!!

Well our mileage yesterday was 10.25 miles under 3 hours! This was our personal record for a workout over a 10k distance. Our average pace was 17.23 min/mile. We will continue to shave off some time but our main goal in this first half marathon is just to be able to stay below the 18:00 pace; so we won't be kicked off the course and we will be able to finish the 13.1 mile White Rock course which includes several hill climbs.

We might come in last but we will finish and get our finisher's medal. I have a whole new perspective on all the Biblical references to running or racing.

Brothers and sisters, I know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ to the life above.

Philippians 3:13-14

Thursday, October 27, 2011

37 Days until Race!!!

Our Team!!!

Great News!! Last Saturday both Darrel and I didn't hurt as we did our 8 mile training. Now we are looking forward to this Saturday's 10 miles in cool weather. We really need some cool weather training and some rain training in case those are the conditions on Race Day, Dec. 4. Darrel has been taking it easy due to a strained MCL. (located in his knee). The doctor told him to lay off the running and walk only. So we are learing to walk really fast, well as fast as we can at this point. Due to our speed, we are going to do the 1/2 marathon. That's 13.1 miles. Our coach assures us this is nothing to sneeze at. How many people do we know that have done 13.1 (besides our team mates). Yeah, yeah okay. Disappointed but not wanting to do any serious injury we have chosen to comply.

Last week we signed our recommitment papers and locked ourselves into this race in Dallas. They are making our reservations for our hotel for the night before and the night before dinner. We understand these are very important for race day to stay focused and have the right meal that evening. $3000 for the both of us is what is required in this commitment. So many of you have not only given but given generously and we want to thank you very much. We are now so close, just about $300 to go. We have been doing restaurant fundraisers and are currently selling tickets for Tacos y Salsas $30 gift certificate. $2 for one ticket and $5 for 3 tickets. Drawing will be held Nov. 5. If you want a ticket either get ahold of us or donate online and we will enter your name on the drawing tickets.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Darrel's injury could have been worse and lasted longer but God has heard and answered your prayers. THANK YOU!!

Blessings, Darrel & Ginger Brooks

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Ginger and Darrel both went to Urgent Care this week with running related injuries. Darrel has a sprained Right MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) and has a "No Run" order for 3-4 weeks, he was able to get a walk waiver but has to "take it easy" (whatever that means).

Ginger has a sprained foot. She was given a compression sock and told to elevate, ice and REST. She was also told to take it easy. I have seen her ice and elevating but resting is not her style...

We are both hoping for a miracle as our recommitment date is fast approaching and we are only at 76% in our fundraising. Please consider a donation to this worthy cause. If you have already donated we thank-you from the bottom of our hearts. If you are considering donating, don't wait any longer lives are being saved everyday.
I spoke to a man a few days ago that said he is now in his 3rd year of remission and with the new medication he just started they are hoping he will soon be CURED!!!

Your donations make this possible. We do except multiple donations so feel free to make as many as you can. There us no minimum amount and every dollar counts. Remember when you give to LLS 75% of every dollar goes toward saving someone's; son, daughter, mother or father.

Please consider donating today it's simple and secure on-line at

Thank-you so much!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Friday (10/7/11)

We hope this posting finds you and your loved ones doing well. Unfortunately, most of us are close to someone who is battling or has battled cancer of some kind. Today is our Honored Hero, Vivian's birthday. She turned a wonderful 78 years young today. We celebrate life with her today. Vivian has been Ginger's step mom for 36 years now. She is an amazing woman, wife, mother, grandmother, fighter and friend who has been fighting non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for going on 9 years now.
It was 9 years ago Vivian went into surgery for Diverticulitis surgery that she had been suffering from for some time. When she awoke from surgery she was told the doctor discovered the lymph nodes in her small intestine had stage 3 & 4 cancer. It was tested to be non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She immediately went for more testing: cat scans, Pet scans, etc. Within a month she started chemo and became extremely ill. Her hair fell out but that didn't bother her, she prefers to wear it very short now. Along with the chemo she was given Rituxan. A drug that only works if your cancer has a certain protein. Her's did and she feels it really helped along with the many prayers. She is enjoying going on 8 years of remission now. She walks daily and goes to the gym to work out. She loves the reclining bike best and does 3 miles, along with weights and other machines. She inspires us and encourages us to stay fit and healthy. We love you Mom. You are our HERO!

Many thanks for those who have helped us reach 69% of our goal. We have $945.00 left to raise and only a few weeks to do it. Please consider giving in honor of your heros, those who are battling or have battled cancer.

Here is something that is happening with LLS right now. There is a lot going on in blood cancers. Beyond the JAK2 kinase mutations that have been found in MPNs and are being studied as targets in my lab and others around the world, recent breakthroughs include the discovery of mutations in the Raf kinase enzyme in 100% of patients with hairy cell leukemia. This finding will surely lead to clinical trials, since Raf inhibitors are already in development for other cancers with such mutations. Another exciting development is antibodies directed against the so-called CD30 antigen, which is expressed on the surface of some lymphoma cells. Response rates in patients who failed all previous therapies were in the 80-90% range, which is quite incredible. This antibody will make a clinical difference, no doubt.

Thank you so much for giving and praying,
Darrel & Ginger Brooks

Consider a Donation Today.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Running in Memory/Honor of..."

The more we get involved with Team in Training the more we find out how Blood Cancers have impacted our Family and Friends. When we first signed up we only knew of 1 case of Blood Cancer and a couple of other cases of Cancer that had touched our immediate family. The more people that find out what we are doing tell us more about how this awful disease has impacted their lives.

With each new case we discover it keeps us motivated to raise money to combat this horrific destroyer. The good news is we also hear about the incredible achievements researchers are making in finding cures and treatments that are putting Cancer in remission and even coming closer to a cure.

Here is our current List of Special People we are Walk/Running for:

In Honor of: 
Vivian Britt (Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma)
June (Chronic Lymphcytic Leukemia)

In Memory of:
Tom Morgan (Brain, Bone & Lung Cancer)
Valerie Zucco (Lost battle with Leukemia and was promoted to her eternal reward at age 13)
Nancy (healed of Malignant Lymphoma but died of Breast Cancer)
Wanda Brooks (Lymphoma)
Patrecia Brooks (Colon Cancer)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

8 Miles!!!

Well Saturday our mileage was bumped up from 6 to 8 miles! This was our highest mileage yet.

One of our teammates (Eric), shared about a co-worker who is now in remission due to the new treatments made possible by donations from people just like you! It's amazing how even a small gift makes such a big impact to fight Cancer or as Eric referred to it as "the big C".

As we started our mileage, Darrel started out strong and tried to set a quick pace but Ginger's knees were protesting. She could hardly walk at a 20:31 minute mile pace and was in a lot of pain really favoring her knees and shins.

The weather was very mild and sunny. We were very glad for that. Ginger was quite the trooper and pushed through the pain. Darrel began to slow and was running out of steam at about mile 4.5.

At mile 5.5 Ginger got a second wind and took the lead. Then to Darrel's surprise Ginger wanted to start running intervals. The pace just before the energy burst was only a 23:58 min. mile pace and an average speed of 2.5 mph.

Ginger said her legs still hurt bit she didn't care (endorphins I suspect). The last 3 miles made a huge difference. Our best mile was mile 6 at a 15:28 min mile pace and at 3.88 mph.Our average pace ended up 18:27 and our average speed was 3.25. It felt good to finish strong. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul's letter to Timothy. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (1 Tim. 4:7). We want to finish The Race strong both in life and at White Rock!!!

Here are our results for Saturday's workout:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Full Timers...

We never would have thought replying to a piece of mail would turn into a full time job, but it has. Ginger spends her days: writing thank you cards to donors and running them out to the mail box, thinking about everything we put into our fuel tanks (mouth) including enough water, training Tues and Thurs nights when Darrel get home from work, making connections for fundraising activities like the two this Saturday ( $1 to put your name in a drawing for a bottle of fingernail polish the color for Team in Training. and our fundraiser at the local Tacos y Salsas restraunt. The best Mexican food we've been able to find. Come out and have a meal and donate to the Leukemia, Lymphoma Society to fight cancer and help families. If you're not able to come out or you live too far away, you can still donate via the website below or via snailmail. (Multiple donations gladly excepted!!!)

We participated in our first event last Saturday. It was called Heros for Children in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. We walked/ran a 5k. It was so much fun. We loved cheering people on at the finish line. We are getting use to waking up on Saturdays at 5am. It's really such a small price to pay in the big picture.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all your prayers. Following the direction of our great coaches Ginger went to the doctor to get checked, the doctor did x-rays and blood work. Everything came out good. She then went to a chiropractor for all the pain she's been in. She said her brain and body are not connected. Hmmm she never expected that news. :) Anyway Tuesday nights 4 mile workout went much better. Darrel needs prayer for his knees also.

We have been super blessed these past weeks by your generous giving. Our fundraising has risen to 65% of our goal. We know the deadline is approaching quickly but we have no doubt God will provide through you.

We are inspired my many but when in comes down to the pain we run for TOM, VIVIAN and JUNE. It is our honor to do this for you. Saving a life one mile at a time.

We are raising funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as a participant in their Team In Training program and we're asking you to help by making a donation to our fundraising campaign.

Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely plus learn more about our progress. You will receive a confirmation of your donation by email and we will be notified as soon as you make your donation.

Each donation helps accelerate finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Nearly 958,000 Americans are battling these blood cancers. We are hoping that our participation in Team In Training will help bring them hope and support.

On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support. We greatly appreciate your generosity.

Thank you,

Darrel & Ginger Brooks

P.S. We would appreciate it if you would forward this email to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well. Thanks again.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First 5K

Last Saturday was our first 5K...actually our first race of any kind. It was good practice pinning on our numbers putting the timing chip on our shoes and all the excitement of the race. It was also a great cause "Heroes for Children" (Organized the race) benefits children diagnosed with cancer and supports the families of the patients.

This was the firstbopportunity I had to actually run any distance since I twisted my knee several weeks ago. Ginger was also able to run short distances as she battled through her knee and IT Band issues.

We may not have had the best times but we DID finish and that was pretty awesome to me!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 5

Here are a few numbers we want to share with you: (5) The number of weeks we have been in training for this 26.2 mile marathon, (6) The number of miles we trained last Saturday, (28) The number of days until our recommitment~ most of our fundraising needs to be done, (45) The percentage we are at as a couple in our fundraising, (74) The number of days before we wake up (if we sleep at all), pin on our number bibs, shoe mile/time timer thingies and walk/run 26.2 miles. (1) The number of days it takes to help make a difference in a family's life.

We have several things we say out loud during training through the pain. (1) Come on Ginger, (2) Jesus help me, (3) Mamasita (4) It's not cancer and it's not chemo, (5) Tom, Vivian, & June this is for all of you.

We are so humbled and blessed by all your generosity. It deeply touches our hearts and we are very thankful. We also feel your prayers and know that we cannot even begin this without them. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

We are raising funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as participants in their Team In Training program and we are asking you to help by making a donation to our team fundraising campaign.

Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely plus learn more about my progress. You will receive a confirmation of your donation by email and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation.

Each donation helps accelerate finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Nearly 958,000 Americans are battling these blood cancers. I am hoping that my participation in Team In Training will help bring them hope and support.

On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

Thank you,

Darrel and Ginger Brooks

P.S. We would appreciate if you would forward this to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well. Thanks again.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 5--->Now 6 miles

This Thursday we decided to work on our walking pace and not run for now to give our knees some extra recovery time. This will also keep us from further injuries while our knees heal.

Saturday was our first 6 mile work out. We had a great recovery only taking a few hours instead of all day long like last week.

Here are our numbers:

Thursday 9/15/11:
Calories .................553
Total Distance .......3.00 miles
Ave. Speed ............3.51 mph
Ave. Pace ..............17:03
Duration .................51:16

Saturday 9/18/11:
Calories ...................853
Total Distance .........6.31 miles
Ave. Speed ..............3.47 mph
Ave. Pace ................17:14
Duration ....................1:48:55

We are still plugging away at our fundraising goals but still have a long way to go, please consider giving to this worthy cause! Together we can help beat cancer!!!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 Mile Walking Wounded

Today we planned on a 3 mile run...We ended up on a 3 mile limp. Our knees hurt so much on the few bursts of running we decided just to walk and log the miles rather than risk more injury. Our new goal became finish the 3 miles no matter how long it took.

Here's the numbers:
Total Distance.............3.0 Miles
Ave. Speed.................3.27 mph
Calories Burned...........553
Ave. Pace....................18:19
Total Time....................55:05

We're still plugging away at our Fundraising Goal but still have a long way to go. Please consider giving to this great cause, lets stop Cancer together!

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My letter to Brooks Running Shoes...

Let me tell you our story...

5 weeks ago my wife Ginger and myself were couch potatoes. I am a retired Peace Officer. I haven't ran since I graduated from the Police Academy in 1986. My first and last pair of running shoes were a pair of "Brooks" I bought in 1985 for the Police Academy.

About 8 weeks ago my wife got a postcard from TNT (Team in Training) and talked me into joining. Prior to our first team work-out the coaches sent us to a local running store to be professionally fitted for running shoes. I fought buying expensive shoes but they convinced me it would be worth it in the long run.

When we arrived we were each assigned a different employee to assist us. I tried on several shoes but kept coming back to the first pair I tried on, the Brooks Ghost 4. The shoe made me feel as though I was bouncing with each step, it was amazing. When both sales associates took us to the register and starting ringing us up they began laughing. We had both ended up with the same shoe, Brooks Ghost 4! 

Then they asked for my credit card and saw our last name was Brooks and really laughed.

We are running in the Dallas White Rock Marathon. We are NOT runners but we ARE running for a good cause, the Leukemia, Lymphoma Society.

Please check out our Blog and our Fundraising page. We would appreciate your Sponsorship or Donation. Will you please consider giving to this great cause?

Thank-you for your time,

Darrel & Ginger Brooks

Monday, September 12, 2011

82 Days til the Big Race!!!

RIGHT NOW : Everyone who gives $5 receives a ticket or $20 for 5 tickets for the POT OF GOLD.
As of today the POT OF GOLD includes:
  • $75 Mary Kay Gift Certificates
  • $30 Chiptole
  • $90 Target
  • $25 CK Sports
  • $40 App Store
  • $25 Chili's +8 FREE kids meals
  • $20 La Madeleine
  • $50 Lego store
  • $100 Cotton Patch Cafe
  • $10 Barnes and Nobel
  • $15 iTunes
  • $50 set of Discovery Toy books Reading on My Own at Home
  • a Mary Kay Spa Party for 8
  • 4 passes to The Haunted House Dallas
It is still growing so I will keep you posted. The drawing with take place Oct 15. Hurry and give now.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th from 4-7pm SUNNY STREET CAFE ~Murphy~ will donate 10% of sales to our Fundraising. It's one of our favorite spots to eat. You must have our card to give the waitress so meet us out front if you don't get one before. A Donation box will also be located next to the register. Here is their website to check it out the menu and get the address.
We have been touched so deeply by all those that have given financially to our fundraising and those who committed to pray for us through this process.

As a team , Darrel & I have raised 28%. Still a ways to go. We are confident God with make a way where there seems to be no way.

We have a few fundraising opportunities coming up soon.

MONDAY, SEPT 19 at our home 3426 Lillie Street Sachse, TX 75048
I am having a MARY KAY PAJAMA PARTY which means from 6-9PM come and go as you like. But while you are here get a facial focused on evening colors, bedtime skin care to wake up beautiful. Our daughter, Amber is a consultant and will donate 30% of sales to our Fundraising TEAM. Thank you AMBER.

Saturday Darrel and I both did 5 miles with the Team in Training. It was mostly walking with a little running. Our knees are taking the biggest beating so please pray about that. Feels like a screwdriver through the kneecap. Today we are both much better. WE CAN WALK AGAIN!!!

Saturday's run was dedicated to my dad, Tom. It was one year ago, Sept 10th that I kissed him good-bye for the last time. He was in so much pain from the Brain, Bone and Lung Cancer that it was a crazy relief to let him go. HE SUFFERS NO MORE!! We run in memory of Dad.

Vivian, Ginger's step mom is currently in remission with non-Hodskins Lymphoma. She is our Honored Hero and we run so others will not have to go through the huge battle she has fought.

June, is our other Honored Hero. She has just found out she has Chronic Lymphcytic Leukemia. She too has begun a hard battle. She would so appreciate your prayers at this time. She is our dear friends mom.

This week a couple shared about their honored hero's. When Seth spoke he said they run so no one else will have to hear the news their loved one has cancer. That's a great reason to run and to give.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely plus learn more about my progress. You will receive a confirmation of your donation by email and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation.

Each donation helps accelerate finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Nearly 958,000 Americans are battling these blood cancers. I am hoping that my participation in Team In Training will help bring them hope and support.

On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support. I greatly appreciate your generosity.

Thank you,

Darrel & Ginger Brooks

P.S. I would appreciate it if you would forward this blog or email to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well. Thanks again.

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First 5 mile workout

We completed our first 5 mile work out on Saturday. Unfortunately with our knee injuries we were not able to run except for a few short bursts in the beginning. Coach David walked the last half with us and encouraged and coached us on some treatments for during the week.

I know my knees are just protesting because they have enjoyed the 20+ years of sitting on the couch. The rest of my body seems to like the new routine but the knees are only thinking about themselves.

If we only think of ourselves we too can cause the rest of the Body of Christ (other Christians) to suffer just like if I went back to the couch for my knees sake the rest of my body suffers from lack of exercise.

Lord, help me to be other focused so I can impact those around me in a positive way. (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 3 - Discouraged but Hopeful...

I haven't posted this week because I have been Discouraged. We only have had 1 workout this week on Tuesday night. Ginger continues to fight through the pain of her IT Band injury. Tuesday she was only able to walk (in great pain). I seemed to have a slight knee injury due to running on uneven sidewalks. due to our drought the ground is cracking open (much like the lake bottoms when a lake dries up). I measured one crack in our front yard and it was over 2 ft deep. This is causing the sidewalks to break apart or to lean to one side or the other. it's time to run in the streets of our neighborhood (those are starting to break-apart too).

Ginger and I bought some Knee Straps and they help with the pain. We'll see how the work on a run.

Last night we had a special event at work that lasted past 9pm. I missed my training night but I spoke with a young lady who has ran 2 marathons and was familiar with TNT. She told me as long as we stick to our training and log the miles we are scheduled we should not have a problem completing the White Rock Marathon! I am looking forward to tomorrow's 5 mile run and I am very encouraged. I gave her one of our Cards Our daughter designed for us, I hope she reads this and knows what an encouragement she was to me.

It's amazing how much a few encouraging words are to change someone's outlook. I pray that god allows me to encourage people the way this young lady encouraged me this week. "Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, just as you are in fact doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

Fundraising Business Cards

Our Daughter (Amber) has designed some Business Cards for us to use as an aid to our fundraising campaign. They look great and we are just starting to use them so we waiting to see if they will be successful. they have all the information needed to make a donation and have the info for our fundraising webpage and this blog. There is also a QR Code they can scan with a smartphone and it will take them to these locations without having to type anything!!!

Here is a picture of the design...THANKS AMBER!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

9/1/11 - Last 2 mile work-out

Last Night was still hot even though the sun was going down, the air was hot and thick, you could feel it as it filled your lungs. I was looking forward to this workout because it was our last chance at the 2 mile walk/run (Saturday will be 5 miles and then we go to 3 mile daily workouts).

Ginger made it to the 1 mile mark before the pain was unbearable, then she went a little further and a little further until she almost finished the entire 2 miles. I am very proud of her determination. It reminds me of Hebrews 12:1 “…So let us run the race that is before us and never give up…” Keep her in prayer, she wants to race so badly but she has to work through this issue with her I.T. Band.

Here are our numbers for this workout;

Total Distance          2.13
Ave Speed                3.62
Ave Pace                   16:32
Calories                     392

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

What's New... 8/31/11

We are getting more and more excited each day.

So many things have happened in the last week. We have been hitting the fundraising trail hard. We have been going to businesses asking for donations. While we were in Stein Mart and gentleman came up to Darrel and asked if his was running the marathon for LLS. Darrel said yes. The man shook his hand and told him he had signed up 11 years ago but then shortly after was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis so could not run. With great sincerity he thanked Darrel for running. What an encouragement this was to Darrel. Running for those who can't.

There were times this last week I had doubt that I could. I experienced my first severe pain when my IT tendons revolted on me. You see they have been at rest and left alone for the past 30 years. An occasional burst here and there but nothing like 5 miles. We have fantastic coaches that helped me through. I now am wearing compression leg sleeves and they really help. Still not pain free but still running.

Last night Darrel put out a post on Facebook asking if anyone knew of an inexpensive runner's watch that signals you for intervals since we will be walking and running. Today a friend (Thanks Mike!) at his work brought in and gave to Darrel a Polar S520 with heart monitor. God is so good.

SUPER NEWS: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - North Texas Chapter Did you know? In Fiscal Year 2011, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's North Texas chapter was able to help 1,368 patients receive financial aid for a total of $205,200! Your dollars at work - helping your friends, neighbors and co-workers!! Way to go! Let's beat that in 2011-2012!

GREAT NEWS! For each $5 you give, including those who have already gave; you will be entered into a drawing call the "Pot of Gold". Team members are collecting gift cards from all over to go into the "Pot". The "Pot should be between worth $1000-$3000. Now ONE person will win the pot. Each time you give $5 you get ONE ticket or 5 tickets for $20. What a fun fundraiser.

"May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;

Establish the work of our hands for us

Yes, establish the work of our hands."

Psalm 90:17 (maybe we could say feet?)

Thank you so very much for giving, if you already gave, THANK YOU ~ This is to let you know how we are doing.

Darrel & Ginger Brooks

Please use the following link to donate online quickly and securely plus learn more about my progress.  You will receive a confirmation of your donation by email and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation.

   On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support.  We greatly appreciate your generosity.
   Thank you,
   Ginger Brooks
   P.S. I would appreciate it if you would forward this link via email to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well. Thanks again :o )

Monday, August 29, 2011

Saturday 8/27/11

It's been a few days since my last post. Thursday and Friday were recovery days due to injuries; I turned my right ankle (due to loose shoe strings) and Ginger injured her I.T Band (very painful). We are not only learning a new sport but a whole new language!

Saturday was our second Team Training we were up for 4 miles we decided to walk the entire 4 miles. I would recommend Team in Training (TNT) to anyone thinking about training for a marathon. Our coaches (David and Meg) walked with us, the entire way encouraged and teaching us. I am so thankful we have them as our team coaches (Coach Jennifer too).

After the 4 miles we all hung out for a while and got to know more of our teammates. We are very impressed with Team in Training and especially with our "North Cities" team, part of the North Texas Chapter.

Please check out our fundraising page and consider a donation in any amount to help this worthy cause!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rockwall 66 Bridge

Every Wednesday Night we have a Bible Study at a local Rest Home. Pastor Randolph does an excellent job!!! Some of the Hymns he finds I have never heard or have not heard since I was a kid (many years ago).

We studied Daniel Chapter 3. I've heard this story a thousand times since I was a kid; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. If you're not familiar with the story I'll give a quick summary. The nation of Israel was captured by the Babylonians and made slaves. Four young Israelites stood out and were given jobs in the government, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Daniel gets thrown into the Lion's Den... but that's another story, getting back to Chapter 3. The King makes this big statue and then makes a law that everyone must bow down to the image. The three amigos (Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego) refuse because they can't worship anything or one except for the true God. The King is furious and has them thrown into a fiery furnace. Before they are thrown in the king is so made turns up the heat so hot the soldiers throwing them in burn to death.

After a while the King looks in and sees 4 men and their clothes and hair are not even singed. The fourth man was Jesus. The thing that stood out to me this time was that if we trust in God and walk with Jesus the only things that will burn up are the things the enemy uses to bind us with. Just like the only thing that was burnt in the furnace was the ropes the King had their hands and feet bound with, their hair was not singed and their clothes didn't even smell like smoke!!!

After the Bible Study Ginger and I went to the 66 Bridge in Rockwall for our Walk/Run workout. It was tough we fought the bugs, flying debris from cars but the temperature was nice. Here are our numbers;

Distance..................2.02 miles
Ave Speed..............3.65 mph
Max Speed..............12.23 mph
Ave Pace..................16:26
Total Time.................33:13

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

8/23/11 Workout

It was over 100 degrees and the sun was setting...Time for the workout. It was hard Ginger and I were having leg cramps, mine worked out but Ginger suffered through the entire time running then walking trying to get the cramp out of both of her calf's. The pain we were feeling was nothing compared to the daily pain Cancer patients go through as they fight for their lives.

I looked up the word in the dictionary and guess what one of the definitions was:

pa·tient  (pshnt)
1. Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness.

I'm not sure how calm we were enduring and working through the pain but we did put in the 2 miles we set out to do.

Here's our latest numbers;

Distance............2.02 Miles
Ave Speed.........3.41 mph
Max Speed........14.75 mph
Ave Pace...........17:34
Duration (min).....35:30
Calories Burned.........273 (ouch, I've had a candy bar with more calories than that... )

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 20th First team Training Day

This is our Team (North Cities), Part of the North Texas-Oklahoma Chapter of Team in Training.

  • Ginger got the weekly winner medal for Fundraising!!!

2 Miles Tonight

Last night was a off night, recovering from Sunday's bike ride that left us both with sore muscles. I thought it would be easier to sit and pedal than to walk...NOT. It really does use a different set of muscles. I've been a little distracted from my Bible Study, spending allot of time researching running, equipment and fundraising lately but God has been dealing with me to put Him first and He would help with the rest (Matthew 6:33).

Tonight is 2 miles but before I think too much about that or all the fundraising we need to do I'll spend some time with my Bible and let God speak to my soul, I really need that right now.
 Darrel <><

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First logged walk

I logged our first 2 mile walk last night, here are the numbers, (I guess I'll learn what they all mean);

Max Speed = 6mph
Ave Speed = 3.4 mph
Ave Pace = 17:38
Total Time = 44:37 min

The program I down loaded for my phone logs these things so i guess they're important, I just don't know what they mean yet. Once again we are in a new learning curve!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fundraising Letter

Dearest Friends and Family,

I trust this letter finds you happy and in good health.   We miss you all so much especially since our move to Texas. Thankfully we have new friends and family members ( Caleb, Chloe, Colin and Caylee) in Texas to add to our treasure box.

Darrel and I have often referred to our lives as “the great adventure”.  This letter is to tell you about the newest chapter in that adventure. Earlier this month we signed up to walk/run a Marathon.   That’s 26.2 miles. Never done one before.  You’re probably asking why?

Well as many of you know Darrel lost his mom to colon cancer 26 years ago and I lost my stepdad, Tom, to brain, bone and lung cancer only 11 months ago. Many of you may not know that my stepmom, Vivian, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 8 years ago.  Well we are running in memory of our parents and in honor of Vivian, with the Leukemia, Lymphoma Society.  Watching my dad fight so hard for his life last year made a huge impact on me that I must do this. No matter how I cry out in pain during this training it’s still nothing compared to what he went through.
A diagnosis of leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma or myelodysplastic syndrome brings daily challenges. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services. LLS is committed to providing information and support to people living with these cancers and to the health professionals involved in their care.

I love that LLS is not only dedicated to finding a cure but are at the same time helping patients and families in the midst of their fight today. That meant so much to mom and I helping with dad, health care professionals volunteering to assist us and also to help financially.

It is so rewarding to help others as you know. Getting our eyes off ourselves and our own struggles.  That’s why we run.

You can help us through your prayers foremost and also through your giving. You can mail me a check made out to LLS or the easiest way is on our websites:
Ginger's Website
Darrel's Website

Darrel also started a blog to keep track of our daily progress. It’s: Http://

Well, we’ve bought our shoes and socks, signed our names and started our training. It’s your turn now. I hope you will remember someone special and give.

The Lord Bless you always,  
Darrel & Ginger Brooks

Monday, August 15, 2011

We have set up our Fund Raising Websites

Please visit these sites read our story, see why we are involved and Consider making a donation (s) to this wonderful cause that helps so many people.

Ginger's Website

Darrel's Website